Please include all information for Name, Company (if applicable), Address, Email addresses (if you have an email address, please fill in this field, you'll be notified of updates and receive your registration code immediately via email).
Phone, FAX and Comments are optional fields.
Fill out the Copies field with however many computers you will be installing QuickPop on. There are multiple copy discounts for any purchases of ten or more copies (the discounts are figured automatically as you enter the number of copies).
If you'd like site license information, please check the ΓÇ£Send site license informationΓÇ¥ check box.
If you'd like the latest of all my shareware (or the latest version of QuickPop if there's a newer one available), check the ΓÇ£Send Latest on diskΓÇ¥ check box, this adds $5 to the total to cover shipping, handling and the cost of the disk.
If you live in California and request the latest version be sent to you, please check the ΓÇ£I live in California (tax)ΓÇ¥ check box and if your local tax rate is different than mine (7.25%) please change the tax percentage field. The tax will be included in the total automatically.
You can pay (with US Funds) with a Check, Money Order, Cash, VISA or MasterCard. A company can print an Invoice or Purchase Order if necessary for payment to be made.
Click on the Payment Method popup menu to show how you will be paying the registration. If printing a Purchase Order form or paying by credit card, please fill out the information requested.